View of Jordan Valley from Gidron Observation Point (UWI) (UWI)
Jordan Valley

The woman, in her 30s, was lightly wounded by glass shards in the drive-by terror shooting.

By United with Israel Staff

A woman in her 30s was lightly wounded in a terror attack on Wednesday in Israel’s Jordan Valley.

A terrorist fired from a passing vehicle at the woman’s car on Highway 57 at the Hamra Junction, east of Shechem. The woman suffered from wounds to her face as a result of shards of glass.

The woman’s husband and two children, who were also in the car at the time of the attack, were unharmed in the attack.

According to Magen David Adom medic Yonatan Shenbai, “When we arrived at the scene, we saw the vehicle with gunshot marks. Inside the car were four passengers: A man, a woman and two children, aged 9 and 6,”

“Miraculously, only one passenger was hurt. We gave her medical treatment in the field and evacuated her to the hospital,” he added.

On Tuesday, six people were wounded, two seriously, in a shooting terror attack near a mall in the city of Maale Adumim, located just east of Jerusalem.

The terrorist, apparently armed with an M-16 rifle, opened fire on passersby before being shot and killed by an off-duty Border Police officer at the scene.

“Yet again, another terrorist shooting attack, and Israeli citizens were wounded. The State of Israel must not accept and get used to this reality. We’re not talking about isolated shootings, rather a terrorist infrastructure that aims to harm all citizens of the State of Israel. We once again demand that the security establishment and the government put the safety of our residents as their top priority,” Shlomo Ne’eman, Gush Etzion Regional Council Mayor and Chairman of the Yesha Council, said in a statement..

“The immediate response is to deal with the terrorists with a heavy hand, return the checkpoints, and continue the operation to collect weapons until the PA’s stockpile of weapons is emptied.

“We heap praise on the off-duty border policeman who quickly eliminated the terrorist, and prevented even greater carnage, and saved many lives. We thank him while praying for a speedy recovery to those wounded,” he concluded.



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