Masked Palestinians carry Palestinian and Hamas flags on the Temple Mount, May 2, 2022. (AP/Mahmoud Illean) (AP/Mahmoud Illean)
Temple Mount

‘Whoever thinks that committing illegal acts under the cover of the holiday gives him immunity from the law is very wrong,’ says Jerusalem police chief.

By Pesach Benson, TPS

Israeli Police arrested 15 Palestinians on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem who waved Hamas flags and hung a sign featuring images of terrorists on Wednesday.

The sign and flags were unfurled at the end of morning prayers marking the holiday of Eid al-Adha.

Morning prayers proceeded without incident. As the crowd of tens of thousands was dispersing, a number of masked individuals began waving the green flags of Hamas and unfurled the banner on the Temple Mount plaza.

Police arrested 15 people and removed the poster. Authorities seized the flags, as well as Hamas flyers, and a bullet.

“The police officers of the Jerusalem District are obliged to allow every person of any religion to celebrate their holidays according to the law, as well as during the days of the Eid al-Adha that began today. This morning there were again those who took advantage of the holiday and the holy places for a demonstration of incitement and support for terrorism,” said Police Jerusalem Superintendent Doron Turgeman.

“Whoever thinks that committing such illegal acts under the cover of the holiday will give him immunity or protection from the law – is very wrong. So far we have arrested 15 suspects who were involved in waving flags, chanting in favor of terrorism and hanging the banner of a terrorist organization. Acts of incitement, encouragement and support for terrorism will be dealt with decisively by us everywhere in Jerusalem, including inside the Temple Mount,” Turgeman added.

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