Palestinian students chant slogans. (Abed Rahim Khatib /Flash90) (Abed Rahim Khatib /Flash90)
Palestinian students

Contrary to the widespread and false idea that Palestinian terrorists are “desperate,” many terrorists in fact walk away from good lives in order to kill Jews out of pure hatred.

They lived ordinary lives with ordinary ambitions — an electrician saving up to get married, a fitness buff, a worker in a butcher shop, a teen with plans for study in Europe after high school. But then these young Palestinians decided to carry out terror attacks against Israelis.

They stabbed Israelis in what were thought at first to be “lone wolf” attacks. In actuality, these terrorists, some of them just teenagers, were raised in an atmosphere of incitement to kill Jews. Palestinian education, mosques, TV and radio programs, newspapers and online social media are all full of incitement against Jews. Motives may seem murky, but many Palestinians have been brainwashed for years to believe Jews stole their land – a complete and utter falsehood – justifying, wrongly, the killing of Jews. Palestinian terror attacks have been escalating, with seven Israelis killed over the past month, most in Jerusalem.

By: United with Israel Staff. With files from AP.

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