Incitement to terror in the Palestinian school system has surpassed the boundaries of the PA-administered territories, making its way into American elementary schools, where children were brainwashed to hate Israel and encouraged to become “freedom fighters.”

Under the New York Freedom of Information Law, the website Legal Insurrection, after a year of litigation and a court order, obtained video coverage of a session at Beverly J. Martin Elementary School in Ithaca, N.Y., promoting hatred for the Jewish state.

Well-known Palestinian pro-terror activist Bassem Tamimi and Ithaca-based anti-Israel activist Ariel Gold, accompanied by Mary Anne Grades Flores, also a local anti-Israel activist, taught third-grade children that Palestinian terrorists – many of whom have streams of blood on their hands – are innocent people suffering in jail, separated from their families, only because they were demanding human rights.

During the “educational” session, which took place in September 2015, the teacher, Brooke Burnett, joined the visitors in lauding the children who swallowed the propaganda that Israel persecutes and murders innocent Arabs and vowed to join the Palestinian cause against the alleged Israeli brutality.

The adults lovingly appealed to the children’s innate sense of justice. Gold even brought her own young daughter to the event, although she attends a different school. Prompted by her mother, the girl proceeded to tell her peers about her close friendship with Tamimi’s daughter, saying, for instance, that they both love to dance. What she didn’t tell them was that her Palestinian friend was dubbed a Pallywood star for her award-winning, staged provocations against IDF soldiers.

Indeed, filming supposed Israeli cruelty towards Palestinians was a method suggested to the children in order to bring the “truth” to the world.

School Principal Dr. Susan Eschbach approved of the program. Ithaca City School District superintendent Luvelle Brown, however, issued a statement that such classroom activities “are not developmentally appropriate for third graders nor aligned with the New York State standards. The statements were politically skewed, inflammatory, and not endorsed by the Ithaca School City District.”

The Ithaca Committee for Justice in Palestine launched a call to action in defense of Eschbach and Burnett, defending “freedom of speech and respect for human rights in New York State.”

By: Atara Beck, United with Israel

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