A Syrian refugee child. (AP/Emrah Gurel) (AP/Emrah Gurel)
Syria refugee child

Moved by their own history of anti-Jewish persecution, thousands of Israelis are donating funds to help victims of the Syrian civil war, particularly children. 

Israelis have come together to raise funds and lend aid to Syrian victims of the civil war, which has been ravaging the country for the past half decade.

The “Just Beyond the Border” initiative, which opened Thursday night on the online fundraising website Mimoona, offers the opportunity to purchase and donate much-needed emergency items, including blankets and medical equipment, which will then be delivered directly to Syrians across the border, particularly children. Already by Monday, it surpassed its set goal of $155,000.

With over 30 days to go in the campaign, over 5,000 people have already donated close to $240,000.

“We strongly feel that we can stand aside no more,” the campaign initiators stated. “This is a group of civilians that gather voluntarily with no organization behind it. We cooperate with the Israeli Flying Aid (IFA) of Israel in order to transport the goods that will be purchased to the hands of the needy in Syria. We invite everyone to join us.”

“As an Israeli child I grew up asking where the world was when we needed them most,” Yoav Yeivin, one of the lead organizers of the campaign, told the Times of Israel.

“As a Jew I always knew that I was expected to be there, to help and lend a hand. There is no nation that knows better than us how lethal apathy can be,” he said, alluding to the Holocaust.

“We launched this project to provide a path for action for any citizen who wanted to help. I believe the people of Israel are caring and compassionate and will donate to help the children and families who are just beyond our border with nowhere to run to. The world is watching, considering its options, but as an Israeli, a Jew, and a neighbor I can’t just stand by,” he added.

Israel has long been lending aid to Syrian victims of the civil war. IDF medics and Israeli doctors have treated thousands of Syrian patients, while Israel has transferred humanitarian aid to Syrian situated adjacent to its border.

By: United with Israel Staff

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