The UK banned the entry of notorious Holocaust denier Mark Weber, who was left stranded in Spain. 

By: United with Israel Staff

Infamous Holocaust denier Mark Weber was stranded in Madrid last week after being refused permission to board a connecting flight from London to Los Angeles, where he runs the so-called Institute for Historical Review.

It became apparent that UK Prime Minister Theresa May personally made Weber “the subject of an exclusion decision…on Unacceptable Behaviour grounds” when she served as Home Secretary.

According to a letter drafted, but not sent to Weber, in 2015 by the Home Office, May “personally directed that [Weber] should be excluded from the United Kingdom on the grounds that your presence here is not conducive to the public good.”

The Home Office said that it did not send the letter to Weber at the time because it did not know his address.

May’s decision was made in April 2015, just over a week after the Daily Mail‘s investigation exposed a secret meeting of the far-right London Forum at which Weber spoke, telling delegates that “as long as the power of the Jewish lobby remains entrenched, there will be no end to the systematic Jewish distortion of history…no task is more important or pressing than to identify, counter and break this power.”

He is quoted as saying that Holocaust “revisionism” had proved to be a hindrance to the real struggle against what he called “Jewish-Zionist” power.

As Weber clearly demonstrates, Holocaust denial is a form of anti-Semitism whose ultimate objective is to delegitimize Israel’s existence and justify Jew-hatred.

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, a UK anti-Semitism watchdog, applauded May for “her decision to exclude Mr. Weber from our country.”

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