Israeli police officers captured on Shehab News Agency's Facebook page. (Screenshot via Im Tirtzu) (Screenshot via Im Tirtzu)
Israeli police officers captured on Shehab News Agency's Facebook page.

Update: Following a number of reports sent to Facebook about the post for inciting to violence, Facebook removed the post. But damage has been done.

By United with Israel Staff

Numerous calls to murder the Israeli police officer who killed one of the terrorists in last week’s stabbing attack at the entrance to the Temple Mount were issued after a photo singling out the officer was posted to Facebook Sunday by the Hamas-affiliated Shehab News Agency.

Two Palestinian terrorists stabbed a police officer in Jerusalem’s Old City on Thursday, after which security forces opened fire on the attackers, killing one and sending the other to the hospital critically wounded.

“The extremist Zionist policeman circled in blue who shot the two Jerusalemite boys, Nassim Abu Rumi and Hamoudeh al-Sheikh, two days ago was also the one who took furniture from the prayer house at the Gate of Mercy [mosque] last night,” read the post on the Shehab News Agency’s Facebook page, which has over seven millions followers.

The post showed the policemen’s faces clearly. The Im Tirtzu screenshot blurred them for their protection.


In response to the post, dozens of people issued calls to murder the police officer.

“There are heroes in Jerusalem, the time of his stabbing is coming soon,” read one of the comments.

Other comments included: “Which type of car should I run him over with?,” “His end is near,” “Allah will deal with him,” and “His days will come to an end God willing.”

The Arab Desk of the Zionist organization Im Tirtzu, which discovered the post, immediately notified the police of the death threats.

“This is a serious case in which a policeman is facing death threats while fulfilling his duty on the Temple Mount,” said Tom Nisani, director of Im Tirtzu’s Arab Desk.

“The writing is on the wall and we must do something before the next disaster,” he warned. “These inciters belong behind bars.”

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