Palestinian officials continue to promote violence and terror against the Jewish people. They claim that they would support using nuclear bombs if they had them.

Palestinian Media Watch has reported that Jibril Rajoub, the deputy secretary of the Fatah Central Committee and the chairman of the PA Olympics Committee, declared on Lebanese television, “Listen. We as yet don’t have a nuke, but I swear that if we had a nuke, we’d have used it this very morning.” This was his explanation for why the Palestinian Authority was willing to consider negotiations with Israel, provided Israel met all of the Palestinian Authority’s preconditions, which he listed as meeting Palestinian demands on “Jerusalem, the fence, settlements and prisoners.”

Rajoub has a long history of being involved with terrorist activities. When he was a teenager in Hebron, he was arrested due to the suspicion that he was assisting Egyptian army officers who were fleeing from Israel. In another instance, he was arrested for throwing grenades at the IDF. However, in 1985, he was freed in exchange for three Israeli hostages. He was subsequently arrested two other times for being involved with terrorism and on the third time, he was expelled to Lebanon. Following the Oslo Agreements, he was permitted to return to Israel and has risen within the ranks of the Palestinian Authority and Fatah.

Unfortunately, Rajoub is not the only PA official to support violence against Israel and the Jewish people. According to Palestinian Media Watch, Sultan Abu Al Einein, who is head of the Palestinian Council for NGO Affairs, proclaimed on Palestine Live TV, “Praise Allah who honored us and designated us to be in Ribat (religious war defending or liberating “Islamic” land) until Judgment Day, until the dawn of freedom and national independence will shine [on us]…”

He continued, “On behalf of all those who fell as Martyrs or were wounded, we salute the heroic fighter, the self-sacrificing Salam Al-Zaghal from the Tulkarem District, whose honor and pride would not let him remain silent, consenting to the settlers’ aggression against him in his vehicle. He insisted on defending his honor, so he went against the settler and killed him. Blessings to the breast that nursed Salam Al-Zaghal.” Salam Al-Zaghal was the terrorist who murdered an Israeli father of five named Evyatar Borovsky not too long ago. Fatah has strongly praised the murderer of Evyatar Borovsky before.

Despite Palestinian leaders within Fatah continuing to openly call for violence against Jews and Israelis and rewarding Palestinian terrorists, western countries friendly towards Israel, including the United States continues to fund the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority. Last March, President Obama even released $500 million in foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority that had been frozen for the Palestinian Authority violating the Oslo Agreements by unilaterally seeking statehood at the United Nations in the absence of a peace agreement with Israel.

To watch the interview, see below!

By Rachel Avraham

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