Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits IDF Commando Brigade. (Amos Ben-Gershom/GPO) (Amos Ben-Gershom/GPO)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits IDF Commando Brigade

“We are going to win with full force,” the prime minister said.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu encouraged soldiers from the IDF Golani Brigade 51st Battalion at an assembly point near Gaza, ahead of the expected battle with Hamas.

“I am here with Golani soldiers from all parts of the country. They have fought like lions and will fight like lions,” Netanyahu said on Thursday. “We are going to win with full force.”

“The entire people of Israel are behind you,” the prime minister told the soldiers. He added that the IDF will deliver a harsh blow to the enemy to achieve victory.

Netanyahu spoke with the soldiers and Maj. Gen. Tamir Yadai, head of IDF ground forces.

Golani Brigade commander Col. Yair Pelai, 51st Brigade commander Lt. Col. Meir Ohayon and 13th Brigade commander Lt. Col. Tomer Greenberg joined the prime minister on the visit.

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