Yoni Asher, reciting the Shema at the EU in Brussels (Screenshot) (Screenshot)
Yoni Asher, EU

An Israeli’s poignant recitation of Shema Yisrael at the EU reflects both the heart-wrenching anguish and remarkable resilience of a man whose family is held captive by Hamas.

During a special session in Brussels, the European Parliament observed a moment of silence for the 1,400 victims of the Hamas massacre in Israel.

Yoni Asher, whose wife and daughters are held captive in Gaza, shared his harrowing experience. While visiting her mother on Kibbutz Nir Oz, Asher’s family was attacked by terrorists.

Tragically, his mother-in-law was abducted and later murdered in front of her daughter and granddaughters.

Asher concluded his powerful speech by reciting the Shema, a significant act underscoring the strength of his faith and resilience in the face of unimaginable tragedy. Watch the powerful and heartbreaking speech.

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