Glenn Beck (YouTube screenshot) (YouTube screenshot)
Glenn Beck

An unprecedented surge in demand for Tefillin has been observed, with over 8,000 IDF soldiers requesting these religious items.

A remarkable spiritual revival is unfolding among the IDF soldiers, and it is now extending to hostages who were held captive by Hamas.


Rabbi Josh Friedman helping an IDF soldier with his tefillin

This resurgence of faith, described by Rabbi Josh Friedman, highlights a significant shift toward religious observance within the military ranks.

Rabbi Friedman emphasizes the transformative power of turning back to God, a belief shared by commentator Glenn Beck in a recent segment.

“As much as we know that we need a strong army, the way we are going to win is to turn to God,” Friedman said.

Wearing Tefillin, or phylacteries, serves as a visible manifestation of this reconnection with faith among Jewish people.

An unprecedented surge in demand for Tefillin has been observed, with over 8,000 IDF soldiers requesting these religious items.

This movement has also reached Israeli hostages formerly held by Hamas. Rabbi Friedman provided tefillin to Shlomi Ziv, a recently rescued hostage, who urgently requested this upon his release.

Tefillin are actually two black leather boxes containing scrolls of Torah verses, worn on the head and arm during morning prayers.

They symbolize a Jew’s connection to the Creator and the belief that God alone determines their fate. While wearing Tefillin, Jews recite the Shema prayer (Deuteronomy 6:4): “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One.”

This revival of faith among IDF soldiers and rescued hostages signifies a deeper, spiritual resilience that complements their physical bravery, highlighting a unique aspect of Israel’s enduring strength.

If you want to link arms with Rabbi Friedman’s mission to help connect Jewish men and soldiers to God through Tefillin, click here to learn more and donate.

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