High-tech training (Shutterstock) (Shutterstock)
Hi tech

The program, run through the Ministry of Defense’s Rehabilitation Division, offers an engineering degree which can be earned in 17 months.

By Shula Rosen

The war Israel has faced for more than a year on several fronts has yielded significant successes but with the cost inevitable in conflict–troop casualties.

Since October 7th, 12,000 soldiers have been wounded, and in addition to physical injuries, many have been diagnosed with PTSD.

For these soldiers and their families, the future may seem uncertain.

To address this issue, the Atidim Association’s ‘Warriors for High-Tech’ program creates a fulfilling and profitable future for IDF soldiers who have sacrificed so much.

The “Warriors for High-Tech” program sends participants on a “boot camp” training session at high-profile companies.

The program, run through the Ministry of Defense’s Rehabilitation Division, offers an engineering degree which can be earned in 17 months.

Graduates of the program are given guaranteed placements at participating companies.

Tzachi, a 42-year-old father of three who sustained permanent injuries to his legs during a rescue operation, describes how the “Warriors for High-Tech” program has enriched his life.

Tzachi told Calcalist, “I had the opportunity to join the Atidim program and eventually began working at IAI, an environment that felt safe for me. This was a crucial part of my rehabilitation.”

In addition to the program, many private companies offer opportunities to wounded veterans independently.

“Reintegrating wounded veterans into the workforce is both a national mission and an economic necessity,” Chaim Geron, co-CEO of Infinity Labs R&D told Calcalist.

Amdocs and other companies are involved in an initiative called “Tech for All” which includes soldiers with “invisible disabilities” such as PTSD.

“Accommodations like mentorship, group support, and tailored training are key to ensuring their success,” explains Nira Erez, who oversees the program.

“Tech for All” provides tools for people with visual, auditory, and physical impairments to excel in the workplace.

“With the right accommodations, people with the potential to excel can achieve remarkable success,” Erez concludes.

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