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Muslim terror
Lighting candles at scene of Paris supermarket attack. (Photo: Serge Attal/Flash90)

People light candles outside the kosher supermarket in Paris where four Jewish men were murdered by Islamic State-affiliated terrorists in January. (Serge Attal/Flash90)

Israel’s counter-terrorism bureau issued a warning ahead of the upcoming holiday season, warning travelers to be aware of direct threats made by terror groups.  

The National Security Council’s (NSC) Counter-Terrorism Bureau warned of planned terror attacks against Israelis abroad in light of the upcoming spring holidays of Passover, Israeli Independence Day and Shavuot.

Basing the travel warnings “on solid and reliable information” that “reflect tangible threats,” the counter-terror organization warns of a growing danger posed by Muslims in Europe.

“Recent terrorist attacks by Islamic extremists in Belgium, Canada, Australia, France and Denmark raise concerns over additional attacks against Western targets, including Israeli and Jewish targets, by veterans of the fighting in Syria and Iraq who are affiliated with Global Jihad, including the Islamic State (ISIS), and by local elements inspired by the terrorist organizations,” the terror warning reads.

The statement points to the “global terrorist campaign” coordinated by Iran and Hezbollah that continues to threaten Israeli and Jewish targets around the world – especially tourists, Jewish leaders and community institutions – which have been the targets of Islamic terror in the past.

A hostage runs to police for safety in Australia after escaping a cafe attacked by a Muslim terrorist in Dec. 2014.  (AP Photo/Rob Griffith)

A hostage runs to police for safety in Australia after escaping a cafe attacked by a Muslim terrorist in Dec. 2014. (AP Photo/Rob Griffith)

On July 18, 2012, for example, a Hezbollah terrorist blew himself up on a bus full of Israeli tourists at Burgas Airport, Bulgaria. The explosion killed the Bulgarian bus driver and five Israeli tourists, and injured another 34 Israelis.

A severe travel warning remains in effect for the Sinai Peninsula, which is a favorite resort for Israelis. Egyptian security forces have been fighting a bitter battle against the ISIS-affiliated Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis terror organization over recent months in the Sinai.

There are “very high concrete threats” and lower level terror threats in most Arab countries as well as in several Asian and African countries with a large Muslim population and active terror organizations, including Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Pakistan and Togo. In total, the NSC lists 41 countries that it considers dangerous to Israelis in varying degrees.

“It is recommended that the public avoid all visits to these countries. Any Israelis present in these countries are advised to leave immediately,” the NSC warns.

The NSC calls on Israeli travelers and tourists to exercise “due caution” at all times and in all places.

By: Aryeh Savir
Staff Writer, United with Israel

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