(Shutterstock, with additions by United with Israel)
Amnesty International

Don’t let Amnesty International profit off of its bigotry against Israel.

Amnesty International UK this week announced a new merchandising initiative called “End Israel Apartheid.”

“New Amnesty UK T-shirts, briefings, and other merch to support the #EndIsraeliApartheid global campaign – more coming soon,” tweeted Kristyan Benedict, Amnesty UK’s campaign manager for Israel/Palestine and Syria.

Amnesty’s animus towards Israel is well-known. At the end of January, the London-based human rights organization released a deeply flawed, antisemitic and hypocritical report falsely accusing Israel of maintaining an illegal “apartheid” system to rule over the Palestinians.

The nub of Amnesty’s animus, however, appeared to be towards Israel daring to express itself as an inherently Jewish state, prompting the UK Charity Commission — which regulates Britain’s charitable institutions — to probe the report’s funding.

The reason for the Commission’s probe is relevant to Amnesty’s new merchandising scheme.

According to the Commission’s rules, registered charities are required to use their funds for charitable purposes and the “public benefit.” The January apartheid report — like the “End Israel Apartheid” shirts about to go on sale — represent Amnesty’s political axe to grind and serve no public interest.

Slandering Israel through the veneer of human rights is reason enough to remove Amnesty’s charity status in the UK.

All the more so now that Amnesty intends to improperly profit from those smears.

Demand that Amnesty UK end its anti-Israel merchandising.

Contact Amnesty International UK through its website.