The European official's statement denies the Palestinians' 'rich history,' whitewashes "Israeli apartheid" and goes against the EU's commitment to international law and human rights, the PA stated.
Now that El-Kurd has owned up to the reality of the pernicious apartheid libel, will media outlets stop treating his every utterance as the unadulterated truth?
Tlaib’s proposed resolution reminds us that anti-Zionist extremism and the denial of Jewish rights is what has left descendants of 1948 refugees in limbo and made peace impossible.
According to South African media reports, organizers of the Miss South Africa tournament are distancing themselves from Mandela's vicious lies about the Jewish state.
Al-Jazeera said Omar Mofeed ‘helped draft’ an anti-Israel motion that was passed at the UK Labour conference. Here's what you need to know about Mofeed.
'Just as we would think it unfathomable to dialogue with the KKK, or to accommodate the KKK, so too we must stop coddling Israeli settler-colonialism,' according to a Times op-ed.
It goes without saying that Israel is not an apartheid state. Here are five examples that demonstrate how comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa is like comparing apples to oranges.
It's been almost 7 decades since the establishment of the State of Israel, and yet there are still an estimated 4 million Palestinian refugees and zero Jewish refugees.
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