The International Criminal Court must investigate and prosecute Hamas for war crimes against the Jewish state and, in particular, for ruining the livelihood of Israeli farmers.
Hamas’ leadership is leading a multi-faceted campaign to annihilate the Jewish state.
As part of this malicious drive, Israeli farmers from the area surrounding the Gaza Strip have been subjected to a barrage of hundreds of burning kites sent over from Gaza with the aim of setting fire to their fields. Dozens of blazes have destroyed several hundred acres of wood and farmland and have ruined produce worth millions of shekels.
These farmers are appealing to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague to indict Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar and Ismail Haniyeh for damages caused by their promotion of “fire kite” terror.
The terror group’s leaders have instigated riots along Israel’s border and have urged Palestinians to infiltrate into Israel. They have called for attacks on Israelis in their homes and threatened to kidnap and murder as many civilians as possible.
The farmers, with the help of Shurat Hadin-Israel Law Center, are suing Hamas for a series of offenses, including the burning of agricultural fields with burning kites, attacking Israel’s borders, recruiting children for combat purposes and using the civilian population as human shields.
Hamas’ actions violate international law and constitute war crimes.The ICC must act against their war crimes!
We must ensure that this international petition meets its goal and is submitted to the ICC.

Urge the ICC to Prosecute Hamas for its War Crimes!
1. Click Here to sign the petition.
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