Recent events have exposed a troubling pattern of antisemitic behavior at Lush Cosmetics. This time, employees in New York City crossed the line by hurling profanities at Jewish families marching peacefully against antisemitism.
As videos of these disgraceful acts circulated online, Lush’s silence has been deafening. A company that claims to stand for “social justice” and “community building” must answer for why its staff felt emboldened to spew hate at Jewish passersby.
Lush Cosmetics employees in NYC went outside the store to yell “kiss my ass” and “bi*tch” at Jewish parents who were marching against antisemitism.
Lush continues to prove that it is a company founded on antisemitism and hate.
pic.twitter.com/1e4ruHGzKm— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) December 10, 2024
These incidents are not isolated but part of a deeply rooted issue within the brand.
In 2023, a Lush store in Dublin displayed a “Boycott Israel” sign, sparking outrage.
The hypocrisy is glaring. While Lush markets itself as a beacon of inclusivity, its actions suggest a troubling disregard for Jewish customers and the Israeli community.
Would the company tolerate its employees targeting any other minority group with such vile behavior?
Click to send an email to superintendent@cde.ca.gov:
Subject: Call for Accountability: Employee Actions at Lush
To Whom It May Concern:
I am appalled by the recent behavior of your employees in New York, who harassed Jewish families marching against antisemitism. This incident, combined with Lush’s history of anti-Israel actions, reflects poorly on your commitment to inclusivity.
I urge you to take immediate action: fire the offending employees, issue a public apology, and reevaluate your company’s culture. Stand against hate in all its forms.
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