Faiza Shaheen (screenshot); Hugh Grant (David Mirzoeff/PA via AP). David Mirzoeff/PA via AP/screenshot

The British actor attacked Labour’s failure to combat anti-Semitism, but days later campaigned for a candidate who denied Jeremy Corbyn participated in a wreath-laying ceremony for terrorists who murdered Israelis.

Several days ago, British actor Hugh Grant visited Jewish homes in London to assist Liberal Democrat candidate Luciana Berger, who left the Labour Party in February over anti-Semitism.

The actor told the Jewish Chronicle at the time, “If you ask do I think there is an anti-Semitic element within the Labour Party, the answer is ‘yes.’ If you ask me do I think the present Labour leadership has done anything like near enough to root it out, my answer is ‘no.’ ”

Just days later, Grant appeared at an event for the Labour party’s Faiza Shaheen, who has dismissed concerns about party leader Jeremy Corbyn’s participation in a memorial for terrorists who murdered 11 Israelis at the Munich Olympics in 1972.
