site of attack

Site of the terror attack. (Tazpit News Agency)

In the latest incident in a string of terror attacks, a Palestinian Arab attacked and wounded two Israelis in Samaria.

A Palestinian-Arab terrorist stabbed two IDF soldiers on Wednesday morning, critically wounding one. The other was lightly injured.

The attack occurred in Samaria, on Route 60 at the entrance to the Israeli community of Ma’aleh Levonah.

The terrorist was shot dead by an IDF force on location.

The critically wounded soldier, 20, sustained serious injuries to the neck. He was treated on site and then evacuated to Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem.

“During rapid evacuation to hospital, we gave him life-saving treatment that included stopping the bleeding, anesthetizing, and putting him on a ventilator,” said Magen David Adom (Israel’s Red Cross) paramedic Hagai Bartov, who arrived on the scene.

The other soldier is also being treated at Shaare Zedek.

There are reports that the IDF is in pursuit of other terrorists involved in the attack.

Last Thursday, an IDF soldier was stabbed and moderately wounded in the head and shoulder when attacked by a Palestinian Arab illegally crossing the security fence near Oranit in Samaria. He was subdued and subsequently arrested.

By: Aryeh Savir
Staff Writer, United with Israel

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