Arabs riot in Jerusalem. (Hadas Parush/FLASH90) Arabs riot in Jerusalem. (Hadas Parush/FLASH90)
arab riot

Acts of terror and murder of innocents consistently result in celebration and calls for more violence in Arab communities. The Jewish response is much different.

Arabs riot over police entry to neighborhood of terrorists in Jerusalem. (Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash 90)

Arabs riot over police entry to neighborhood of terrorists in Jerusalem. (Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash 90)

In the wake of one of the most horrific terrorist attacks perpetrated in Israel in recent times, Arabs across the nation renewed rioting Tuesday morning.  This time, however, the rioting, which occurred following the massacre of Israeli worshipers at a Jerusalem synagogue, included handing out candy in celebration.

In the neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber, home of the terrorists, clashes also broke out between residents and security forces.

“We responded with shouts of joy when we received the news about their deaths,” Ala’a Abu Jamal said of his cousins to Yedioth Aharonoth. “People here distributed candies to guests who visited us, and there was joy for the martyrs.”

The two terrorists who were killed by police during the attack – cousins Rassan Abu-Jamal. 27, and Uday Abu-Jamal, 22 – were affiliated with the terrorist group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a Palestinian Marxist-Leninist and revolutionary leftist organization founded in 1967.

Although the family claims they had no prior knowledge of the impending attack, they are known to have deep terrorist ties. They are related to one of the terrorists who was released in the Gilad Shalit deal and reportedly have a history of violence against Jews.

Jewish Values vs. Extremist Muslim Ideology

The rioting and celebrations in Arab communities throughout Israel continue a pattern which serves only to emphasize the stark contrast between Jewish values and Muslim extremist ideology. This is especially apparent in cartoons which began circulating on Facebook shortly after the attack.

Terror attacks in Israel resulting in the death of innocent civilians consistently bring such responses of praise celebration, and calls for more violence in Arab communities both in Israel and beyond. However, the response in the Jewish community is much different.  The Jewish community usually responds with prayer vigils alongside calls for the government to respond with force in order to control and maintain the peace.

One never hears of calls of death to Arabs being issued from the Israeli government, and there is a good reason for it. Jews value life.

Telling the Truth About Israel: How You Can Help

This is yet another story of Arab aggression reported by United with Israel. Mainstream media reports often paint the opposite picture, somehow implying the Jewish victims were at fault for what happened. Who deserves to be butchered by terrorists in the middle of prayer? We need YOUR HELP to get the truth out and continue our work.  Click here to Donate and support the fight against mainstream media bias of Israel.

Author: Penina Taylor, United with Israel

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