Counter-terrorism forces in action. (Photo: shutterstock)
Counter terror

Western countries like Australia continue to work to stem the wave of Islamic terror aimed at their citizens. Who will be next?

Australian counter-terrorism officials announced on Wednesday they successfully thwarted an imminent terror attack linked to the Islamic State (ISIS) terror organization, after arresting two men in Sydney on Tuesday, Reuters reports.

“When we did the search of the premises, a number of items were located, including a machete, a hunting knife, a home-made flag representing the prescribed terrorist organization ISIS, and also a video which depicted a man talking about carrying out an attack,” New South Wales Deputy Police Commissioner Catherine Burn told Reuters. “We will allege that both of these men were preparing to do this act yesterday.”

In December 2014, Man Haron Monis, an ISIS-inspired terrorist originally from Iran, murdered two people in Sydney after a prolonged standoff with Australian security forces.

Australia has been on high alert since September 2014, and Australian security forces have conducted a number of raids in Sydney and Melbourne.

Like many other Western countries, Australia fears the growing wave of youngsters from around the world who join ISIS and then return home to establish terror networks with the training, knowledge and experience they accumulate during their stays with ISIS.

Australia believes at least 70 of its citizens have joined the fighting in Syria and Iraq, backed by about 100 Australia-based “facilitators” who entice, promote and support the young men in their passage to ISIS’ fighting ranks.

France Cracks Down on Islamic Terror

French security forces on patrol. (Photo: kavalenkau/Shutterstock)

French security forces on patrol. (Photo: kavalenkau/Shutterstock)

France has also faced a wave of Islamic terror. A month after the Charlie Hebdo massacre and the Hyper Cacher terror attack, which combined claimed 17 lives, French security forces are still operating to eradicate the Muslim terror networks in the country.

France’s Justice Minister Christiane Taubira announced Tuesday that the government has dismantled some 15 terrorist networks so far, AP reports.

Taubira called for international action during an open meeting of the UN Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee on Tuesday, stating that it is essential to combat increases in terrorist attacks.

She said France is monitoring the sophisticated propaganda, indoctrination and other methods used to recruit terrorists, including social media and video games.

France is also “reinforcing measures to fight against racism and xenophobia, to protect victims and witnesses, and to help people who agree to become informers,” Taubira said.

By: United with Israel Staff

Sign the Petition to Unite Against Islamic Terror


Petition to the United States and World Powers:

We urge our leaders to reject all supporters of Islamic Terror. Do NOT join forces with Iran, Hamas and other extremists to fight ISIS. Unite with Your Friends - Not with Your Enemies.