A young Muslim woman in England. (AP/Dave Thompson) (AP/Dave Thompson)
UK Muslim Women


A documentary that aired Monday night in the UK exposes a group of British Muslim women making anti-Semitic comments while encouraging young women to join ISIS in Syria.

“ISIS: The British Women Supporters Unveiled” follows a year-long undercover operation, conducted by Channel 4, during which a young Muslim woman infiltrated the group of ISIS sympathizers. The undercover reporter attended the secret, invitation-only meetings, where young children were present, and videotaped group members giving lectures. One meeting is held in a local government-funded community center without the knowledge of the building’s managers, according to The Telegraph.

The documentary reveals that one of the leading group members is a woman who goes by the Twitter name Umm L, though her real name is Rubana. The mother-of-four lives in London with a known extremist, who is also a leading member of a now-banned organisation, according to The Telegraph. In a secretly filmed, two-hour lecture, Umm L accuses “filthy Jews” of killing innocent Muslim woman and children. She said, “Good days have already begun,” because ISIS has been established.

Umm L also told young Muslim women that the UK is waging a war against them and Allah will destroy those who fight ISIS.

UK Muslim women

Muslim women protest in Blackburn, England. (AP/Dave Thompson)

“This is a fight against Muslims and Islam,” she said. “It’s not the first time the alliance has been formed like they have now with this coalition against the Khilafah [Islamic State]. But Allah one by one he will destroy them.”

Another group member, who goes by the Twitter name Umm Usmaan, tweeted, “Go to Sham (Syria) for it is the best of Allahs lands on earth.”

A group member called Umm Saalihah praised jihadists for their courage during a lecture in North London, where children were present, and said Western powers are “cowards” for “throwing air strikes on to the Khilafah.” On Twitter, Saalihah said it was “necessary” to live under the khilafah.

The undercover reporter was invited to the meetings after she gained the trust of group members by attending public rallies, The Telegraph reported. The women eventually accused her of being a spy and banned her from future meetings.

Police on Monday examined footage from the documentary. Nazir Afzal, a former chief prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service, said some of the comments made in the expose may be illegal. She called Umm L’s comments “extremely dangerous.”

Commenting on Umm L’s reference to ISIS, Afzal said, “She does more than support them; she’s saying that the so-called Islamic State is the Caliphate, and by supporting them, she is potentially committing a criminal offence.

“There are young people in the room; there are children in the room; there are women and we’ve got several examples of women who’ve taken their whole families to Syria and Iraq,” he said.

By: The Algemeiner

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