September 20th, 2015

Our ultimate value should not be solely that Israel does, and benefits from, good, but that all humanity should similarly strive to meet this goal for the good.


September 9th, 2015

Predictions for Israel’s medical achievements that will take place in the forthcoming new Jewish Year of 5776. They are reliable predictions, as they mirror actual events that occurred in 5775.


September 2nd, 2015

I usually publicize the positive achievements of the Jewish State. This week, however, I want to illustrate that much of Israel’s work also goes into counteracting the negative side of life in the modern world.


September 1st, 2015

When, in 2012, I authored a cautionary tale about the dangers of a nuclear Iran, I never imagined a U.S. president who would, just a few years later, actively try to strengthen Iran’s geopolitical and financial position while providing international legitimacy to the Iranian nuclear program. But sometimes truth is scarier than fiction. In my... Read more »


August 26th, 2015

I always marvel how fresh and exciting the discoveries and innovations that I collect are. But last week, even I couldn’t anticipate the vast number of astonishing stories recently reported in the Jewish State.


August 20th, 2015

If you're a Jewish kid who graduated law school – and got a job – chances are your proud parents gave you a picture with the famous quote, “Justice, justice, shall you pursue…" Now let's understand what it really means!


August 13th, 2015

I’ll never forget the day when I learned how the world works and why people do what they do. I was running a community event and my cohort made a unilateral decision, which was a game changer for the event, and then put it out in an email, which made it public and permanent.  Confirming... Read more »


August 6th, 2015

The response I got from Facebook hit me like a punch in the stomach. I had joined about 26,000 other people in asking Facebook to take down the “I Hate Israel” page, as Facebook has a so-called “policy” that supposedly doesn’t permit hate speech.


August 5th, 2015

This is what the enemies of Israel actually want: to define us like everyone else. Any terrible, violent action committed by Israelis allows the world to pronounce that this nation is just like everyone else.


August 4th, 2015

During World War I, the demographics of Christians and Kurds were both each approximately 20% of the whole of the middle east. Albeit the latter increased in numbers due to Kurdification and forced conversion to Islam. In 1915 the Kurds volunteered en masse with the Ottoman in committing a genocide against Armenians and Assyrians. These... Read more »


July 30th, 2015

  “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”  – Carl Jung I was passing the lounge area of a hotel on my way out the door and I glanced up at the TV monitor, which was tuned to a news station.  “Coming up next”, the anchor... Read more »


July 23rd, 2015

The Book of Deuteronomy starts out with Moses doing a recap and overview of the Jewish people since they left Egypt, and the review was hardly favorable.


July 22nd, 2015

In contrast to Iran’s destructive ambitions and manipulative nuclear activities, Israelis are working from the microscopic to the atomic level, in order to develop vital medical treatments and life-enhancing technology.


July 14th, 2015

This is the sabbatical year regarding working the land in the Land of Israel as commanded in the Bible (Leviticus 25:1). As Jews have resettled the Land of Israel and are again working the land, we are able to perform some mitzvot (commandments) that can only be performed inside the Land of Israel. G-d commanded that... Read more »


July 14th, 2015

On November 4th 1979, nine months after the successful Islamic revolution in Iran. A hostage crisis had ensued, when students had stormed the American Embassy in Iran, in what was to be known as the longest hostage crisis in history.


July 12th, 2015

My husband was shaking his head as he was scrolling down the text on his cellphone.  “Who do you think Greece blames for the collapse of its economy?” “I dunno…” I replied offhandedly, “must be the Jews.”  I thought I was being sarcastic. My husband then read to me the most vile invectives spewed by... Read more »


July 7th, 2015

Much has been written about just how bad the proposed Iranian nuclear deal has gotten. This outcome is hardly surprising after Israel’s former ambassador to Washington, Michael Oren, bravely published Ally, his memoir detailing Obama’s hostility towards Israel. But even without Ambassador Michael Oren’s personal testimony, there is overwhelming evidence that – on the issue most important to global security... Read more »


July 2nd, 2015

In contrast to a UN report containing biased information on reduced foreign investment in Israel, here are some recent news articles that reflect the real economic success of the Jewish State.


June 30th, 2015

The Golden Age or The Third Generation are fancy titles referring to anyone over 60. In plain language senior citizens. Becoming a Golden Ager is a very special bracha (blessing). It is not something we should take for granted. Being able to see our children grown-up, becoming parents themselves and living productive lives brings joy... Read more »


June 24th, 2015

The most serious problems affecting the planet include disease, hunger, drought, natural disasters and terrorism. Israel’s superb work to combat these menaces deserves far more publicity.


June 22nd, 2015

Pina Chama is a place where soldiers can drop in for a bite to eat, a warm drink, some friendly conversation and feel the love of the residents of Gush Etzion.


June 18th, 2015

Chassidic thought teaches that there is a seed of greatness in every moment and a spark of holiness in everything – even more so in people. Try looking for it with positive questions.


June 17th, 2015

One of my readers suggested that I write another anti-boycott article, so I just took excerpts from Israel’s positive news over the last 3 weeks and will let you make up your minds as to whether or not there is a boycott.


June 14th, 2015

So as much as I condemn the attack on Charlie Hebdo and support the right of this magazine to publish the cartoons that it does, I am still not Charlie Hebdo.


June 11th, 2015

Summer is nearly upon us. In Israel, this is traditionally a time for blasting the AC, heading to the beach…and rocket fire from Gaza. On Monday, the IDF deployed an Iron Dome anti-missile battery beside the southern Israeli city of Beersheba, in response to multiple rocket salvos that had been launched at Israel from the... Read more »


June 4th, 2015

One of the Israelis’ most famous characteristics is a “can do” attitude. And over the past few weeks, Israel has shown just what can be done in the Jewish State.
