The menorah, a seven-branched candelabrum, is the oldest symbol of the Jewish religion and modern symbol of the State of Israel. A nine-branch variation is used for the observance of Chanukah - the Festival of Lights.

Whatever your belief in angels might be, the most important thing is to remember that there is a Creator of all of us who wants a direct and personal relationship with us ,without any intermediaries! 

The central theme of this week's Torah portion is that of the Sabbatical year, known as "Shemitta". Every seven years the land of Israel must lay dormant -- no agricultural work may be performed on the land. Right to this very day, the rules of Shemitta are observed and many Jewish farmers do not plant, prune, or even harvest. After seven Shemitta years -fifty years in total - was the "Yovel" - the Jubilee year.