Unlike 3D printing methods for meat analogues, which are often slow and costly, injection molding offers a transformative leap in affordability and production capacity.
The study, led by Professor Nurit Argov-Argaman from Hebrew University’s Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, focuses on how the size of the globules impacts interactions with bacteria.
The commandos brought back to Israel numerous weapons, intelligence documents and a planetary mixer, used to produce solid rocket fuel, for further examination.
The dual-drug delivery method demonstrated superior effectiveness compared to separate drug administration, even at doses 30 times lower than those used in prior studies.
International demand for Israel’s military technology has surged as European countries increased their defense budgets in response to Russia’s war in Ukraine.
When asked about the most significant component of their personal identity, 33.9% of respondents chose Israeli citizenship, surpassing religious affiliation (29.2%) and Arab identity (26.9%).
The knowledge could also help identify chromatin-related gene regulation errors that cause developmental disorders, enabling early diagnosis and more targeted interventions.
'It is incredibly rewarding to see the doctors we trained in Israel now leading life-saving missions and building sustainable cardiac care programs in their home countries.'
The report said 2.76 million Israelis — or 28.7% of the population — live below the poverty line and warned of lower-middle-class families slipping into hardship.
'Quantum technologies are set to fundamentally elevate human capabilities across a wide range of fields,' said Boaz Levy, CEO of Israeli Aerospace Industries.
The study calls for a closer examination of how disruptions to the circadian clock influence IBD and advocates for the development of innovative treatments that align with natural biological cycles.
Head of Gush Etzion Council hails enforcement of the law 'for the first time since the Oslo Accords' against the illegal construction, which 'creates a stranglehold around nearby Jewish communities.'
CyTwist’s engine analyzed and countered suspicious code behaviors during a live simulation test to uncover malware designed to evade traditional signature-based and rule-driven tools.
The ritual complex, dated to 35,000–37,000 years ago, coincides with the emergence of the Aurignacian culture, known for symbolic objects and cave paintings in Europe.
A 2022 study by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) argued that as funding from Middle Eastern countries increases and becomes less transparent, campuses experience an 'erosion of democratic values.'
The United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) is a peacekeeping mission tasked with maintaining the ceasefire between Israel and Syria in the aftermath of the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
In urban areas, where extreme weather events like floods and heat waves can have devastating impacts, the dense network of smartphones has the potential to provide better spatial coverage than traditional weather stations.
The findings suggest that such methods could be adapted to modern socio-economic and environmental contexts, particularly in areas facing expanding populations and diminishing water supplies.
'If until now we have distinguished between the state of Lebanon and Hezbollah, and between Beirut as a whole and Dahiyeh, which we have struck very hard, this will no longer be,' says Israeli defense minister.
The bowl, dating back to 1520–1570, hails from the Ming Dynasty, a period known for its exquisite porcelain production and expansive trade networks, the Antiquities Authority said.
Research marks first documented case of human-induced seismic noise linked to preparations for an act of terror, highlighting seismic technology's potential for warning of impending threats.
The research, which suggests the body's circadian clock influences its response to oxygen deficiency, could help maximize the effectiveness of treatment.