Palestinian supporters chant as they march during a protest at Columbia University, Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023 (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura, File) (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura, File)
Columbia University, anti-Israel

The announcement came after Columbia announced on Friday that it had suspended SJP and JVP as official student groups on campus through the end of the fall semester.

By Dion J. Pierre, Algemeiner

Anti-Israel groups at Columbia University in New York City have announced that they are holding a protest “in solidarity with” Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) on Tuesday, just four days after both were suspended as official student groups on campus.

“This protest is not co-sponsored by SJP/JVP, but we stand together in solidarity,” Columbia’s SJP chapter tweeted on Sunday night, noting that the gathering on campus has been be organized by Dar, the Palestinian Students Union at Columbia, on behalf of the Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) coalition.

CUAD, a non-campus affiliated group, supports the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to isolate Israel from the international community as a step toward the Jewish state’s eventual elimination. Dar is not listed on Columbia’s list of student organizations.

Columbia’s SJP also tweeted a flier for the event that calls on attendees to bring their kuffiyeh, a traditional Middle Eastern scarf that has come to be a symbol for Palestinian nationalism and resistance against Israel.

“Columbia, Columbia, hear us loud! In solidarity with SJP/JVP we stand,” the flier reads. “A protest in support of Palestine and in solidarity with SJP and JVP. We will not be silenced.

The announcement came after Columbia announced on Friday that it had suspended SJP and JVP as official student groups on campus through the end of the fall semester.

“This decision was made after the two groups repeatedly violated university policies related to holding campus events, culminating in an unauthorized event Thursday afternoon that proceeded despite warnings and included threatening rhetoric and intimidation,” said Gerald Rosberg, senior executive vice president of the university who also chairs Columbia’s Special Committee on Campus Safety.

Hundreds of students walked out of class at Columbia on Thursday, demanding an immediate ceasefire to the fighting in Gaza, for school officials to falsely call Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians a “genocide,” and for the university to boycott and divest from Israeli institutions. The protesters did not mention Hamas or demand the release of the more than 240 hostages still being held in Gaza who the Palestinian terrorist group kidnapped during its Oct. 7 massacre of Israeli communities.

The prior day, dozens of students from Columbia’s School of Social Work staged an over nine-hour sit-in, claiming they were expressing solidarity with local and national Palestinian resistance movements — a stunt that school officials said violated rules in the university’s code of conduct.

Both SJP and JVP have been instrumental in organizing anti-Israel protests on Columbia’s campus since Hamas invaded Israel last month and killed 1,200 people, mostly civilians.

“Lifting the suspension will be contingent on the two groups demonstrating a commitment to compliance with university policies and engaging in consultations at a group leadership level with university officials,” said Rosberg, who added that the suspension means the two groups will not be eligible to hold events on campus or receive university funding.

Columbia University professor Shai Davidai expressed outrage after hearing of the protest planned for Tuesday, arguing that SJP and JVP “celebrate the massacre, rape, and kidnapping of civilians” — a reference to their reactions after Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre.

“It’s time to PERMANENTLY [sic] remove these organizations from Columbia University,” he tweeted.

Last month, Davidai went viral on social media for calling the school’s president a “coward” for refusing to condemn Hamas apologists and anti-Israel demonstrations on campus.

Weeks later, Henry Swiec, a Jewish billionaire and philanthropist, resigned from the Board of Columbia Business School, claiming the Ivy League university has shown a “moral cowardice” that has left Jews feeling unsafe on campus.

Columbia has come under intense scrutiny for its response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 pogrom and the resultant war between Israel and the terror group. Several students and professors have released multiple letters seemingly blaming Israel for the current conflict and rationalizing the Hamas atrocities.

Columbia’s decision to suspend SJP and JVP came just days after Brandeis University in Massachusetts revoked recognition of its chapter of SJP over its support for Hamas.

“This decision was not made lightly, as Brandeis is dedicated to upholding free speech principles, which have been codified in Brandeis’ Principles of Free Speech and Free Expression,” the university reportedly wrote in a letter to SJP informing the group of its ruling. However, the “National SJP has called on its chapters to engage in conduct that supports Hamas in its call for the violent elimination of Israel and the Jewish people. These tactics are not protected by the University’s Principles.”

Last month, Florida’s state university system, in consultation with Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, directed colleges to “deactivate” SJP chapters for defending Hamas following the terrorist group’s invasion of Israel and massacre of civilians.

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