PA President Abbas celebrates with released terrorists in Ramallah in 2013. (Hadas Parush/Flash90) PA President Abbas welcomes released terrorists in Ramallah. (Photo: Hadas Parush/Flash90)
No settlers allowed in Palestinian state

Holland’s House of Representatives unanimously voted in favor of a motion to stop transferring money to the Palestinian Authority, which funds terrorists.

Tweede Kamer, Holland’s House of Representatives, unanimously approved a motion to stop the transfer of money to the Palestinian Authority, which pays terrorists in Israeli prisons and their families. All 148 members voting of the 150 members of the chamber voted in favor of cutting PA funding.


“The parliament asserts that since 2011, the Palestinian Authority transfers money to Palestinian convicts in Israeli prisons [and] that these monies can have a negative effect, in which criminality and terrorism are rewarded,” read the motion, which was submitted by the Christian Union and SGP: Reformed Political Party parties.

The lawmakers intend to review budgets submitted by the PA to determine where the money was going in advance of approving the transfer of funds.

The Dutch House of Representatives also asked the government to convey its views to the full European Union about the use of European aid money to reward terrorists. The Dutch Senate still has to vote on the measure.

PA Funding Benefits Murderers

In February of this year the PA announced it would be providing an additional $46 million a year to prisoners who had been released by Israel, including hundreds of murderers of Israeli civilians. As Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) pointed out, the PA cannot even cover its regular monthly budget without Western aid, meaning the West is also indirectly funding those terrorists. However, in 2012 the PA found the funds and paid over $75 million to terrorists in Israeli prisons and $78 million to the families of deceased terrorists, including suicide bombers. Together, these amounts account for over 16% of the annual foreign donations and grants to the PA budget.

Since 2011, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) has been reporting on the PA’s practice of rewarding terrorists with high salaries. As a result, the PA has been criticized internationally for paying these salaries. Recently, several members of US Congress suggested that the US either cancel its aid to the PA entirely, until it ends this practice, or that the US deduct from its PA funding an amount equaling that earmarked for terrorist salaries. Norway and Britain have also demanded explanations regarding these payments.

Following the abduction and murder of the three Israeli teens in Gush Etzion last month there have been calls by American law makers to suspend PA funding. In the Senate, Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rand Paul (R-Ky.), have both called for defunding the PA.

Author: Aryeh Sapir, Tazpit News Agency

To sign the United with Israel petition demanding that the US and EU stop funding the Palestinian Authority, click HERE.