The IDF’s female soldiers bravely face Sinai-based ISIS terrorists, and with a clear mission: defend Israel’s citizens.

IDF forces facing the Sinai Peninsula include a unique co-ed battalion, where its female soldiers play a major part in Israel’s first line of defense against the Islamic terror threat. Their enemy is the Ansar Bait al-Maqdis terror organization, which has pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS).

“I’m not afraid to confront terrorists if necessary,” explains Lieutenant Ada, a commander in the co-ed Caracal Battalion on the Israel-Sinai border. “ISIS fighters are terrified of being defeated by a woman, it completely contradicts their radical beliefs.”

Islamic terrorists hold a belief that will not go to their version of heaven if they are killed by a female. This has worked to the advantage of the female Kurdish fighters combating ISIS in Iraq.

The Israel-Sinai border has become increasingly tense as terror organizations, including ISIS-affiliated groups, have solidified their presence and created instability in the region.

Since the Egyptian Revolution in 2011, there has been an unprecedented growth in terror groups operating from the Sinai. These insurgencies have taken advantage of the chaotic situation that ensued in the area, which led to waves of violence that has spilled over into Israel’s southern border.

In response to the rejuvenation of terrorist activity from the Sinai Peninsula and the many infiltrations in 2011, the IDF initiated the “Hourglass Project,” and in 2013 completed the construction of a large fence that stretches throughout the Israeli border with the Egyptian Sinai. The fence is equipped with 24-hour surveillance cameras and is patrolled by multiple forces, including the Caracal Battalion, which has secured the border with Egypt for the past 10 years.

The Caracal Battalion is responsible for defending the volatile Israel-Sinai border. Established in 2004, Caracal was the first battalion to fully integrate women as combat soldiers. The battalion is trained to deal with terrorist infiltrations, bombs on the border, shootings, smuggling and criminal events.

‘We Are Here to Stand Up Against Terrorism’

“After the Russian plane went down, we realized how tangible the threat has become,” says Lt. Ada. “My soldiers need to know that we are here to stand up against terrorism.”

Cpl. Noy Haim-Bar explains the importance of the battalion’s work on the border. “When we go out to patrol the border, I look back at the Israeli communities. I see the lights in the homes and the families having dinner. These are the moments when I fully understand why I’m doing what I’m doing. I’m here to protect these people.”

By: IDF Blog

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