Terrorist shooting near the “tunnel road” checkpoint (Magen David Adom) (Magen David Adom)
shooting attack scene

The shooter was reportedly neutralized; security forces launched a search for additional suspects.


Five Israelis were wounded on Thursday morning in a terrorist shooting near the “tunnel road” checkpoint leading from Gush Etzion to Jerusalem.

Magen David Adom emergency medical personnel treated the victims at the scene, including one person in critical condition. The other four were described only as being conscious.

The shooter was reportedly neutralized.

Security forces launched a manhunt to apprehend additional suspects.

Last week, an Israeli-American Border Police officer was killed in a terror attack near Herod’s Gate to Jerusalem’s Old City. Another officer was moderately wounded in the attack.

The slain officer was named as Sgt. Elisheva Rose Ida Lubin, 20, from Kibbutz Sa’ad near the Gaza border. She immigrated from Atlanta in the United States in August 2021 and was drafted into the police force in March of the following year.

The terrorist was killed. He was identified as a 16-year-old resident of the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Issawiya.

Late last month, an Israeli policeman was seriously wounded in a stabbing attack near the Shivtei Yisrael light rail stop in Jerusalem.

On Oct. 12, two police officers were injured in a terrorist shooting just outside Jerusalem’s Old City.

The attacks come amid ongoing fighting sparked by Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist invasion of the Jewish state that killed 1,200 people, wounded thousands more and resulted in some 240 captives being taken back to the Gaza Strip.

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