Fmr. French President Sarkozy. (Photo: shutterstock) Fmr. French President Sarkozy. (Photo: shutterstock)

Increasing numbers of European leaders are expressing opposition to unilateral recognition of “Palestine.” As Israel strives for peace, it hopes that this trend will continue.

Prime Minister Netanyahu (L) meets with French president Sarkozy in New York. (Photo: Avi Ohayon/GPO)

Prime Minister Netanyahu (L) meets with former French president Sarkozy in New York. (Photo: Avi Ohayon/GPO)

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy called on his party to vote against a motion in the French Parliament to recognize a Palestinian state.

“I will fight for the Palestinians to have their state. But unilateral recognition a few days after a deadly attack and when there is no peace process? No!” AFP quotes Sarkozy as saying on Tuesday at his former party’s rally.

Sarkozy was referring to the terror attack at a Jerusalem synagogue last week in which two Arab terrorists massacred four Israeli worshipers and one policeman.

Sarkozy, a known friend and supporter of Israel, further declared that ensuring the security of Israel was “the fight of [his] life.”

Members of the French Parliament submitted a motion to unilaterally recognize the non-existent Palestinian state, following Sweden, Spain and England. The Parliament is scheduled to debate the nonbinding motion and vote on it on early in December.

A New Trend in European Policy?

Many European states have declared their willingness to recognize a Palestinian state, but the tidal wave may be reversing, as more and more European leaders voice opposition to the idea.

Holland’s Foreign Minister Bert Koenders declared last week that for now the Netherlands will not recognize a “Palestinian” state. According to Koenders, recognition is not conducive to advancing stalled peace talks.

The European Union (EU) is slated to vote on the issue in mid-December, and  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned them on Tuesday that a unilateral recognition would be “a big mistake for peace.” He explained that such a move “encourages the Palestinians to harden their positions, not to compromise on mutual recognition, not to compromise on the things that are needed to achieve genuine security.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu holds a joint press conference with German Chancellor Merkel in Jerusalem. (Photo: Haim Zach/GPO)

Prime Minister Netanyahu holds a joint press conference with German Chancellor Merkel in Jerusalem. (Photo: Haim Zach/GPO)

As of now, the EU motion is doomed to fail in any case, since the 28 EU member states must decide unanimously on recognition of statehood, and as Germany has voiced its objection to the suggestion, their opposition amounts to a veto on the subject.

Speaking at a press conference on Friday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed opposition to the unilateral recognition of a “Palestinian” state. She told the press conference that such an action “would not move us forward on the way to a two-state solution,” which Germany supports. According to Merkel, negotiations between the two sides is the only path to a solution, despite her awareness that this approach may be very difficult currently.

Europe Fails Israel, Again

Earlier this week, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor lashed out at Europe for its support of the non-existent Palestinian State.

Speaking at the UN General Assembly on Monday, Prosor expressed fury at several European governments for “failing us [Israel] again. By handing them a state on a silver platter, you are rewarding unilateral actions and taking away any incentive for the Palestinians to negotiate or compromise or renounce violence.”

“Yes, continue to co-sponsor one-sided resolutions. Yes, continue to encourage unilateral actions. And yes, by all means, prematurely recognize a Palestinian state. This has clearly been a resounding success that has brought us that much closer to peace,” Prosor stated sarcastically earlier this month.

You Can Help Israel and Jerusalem

Israel’s sovereignty in Jerusalem, its capital, has come under increased attack in past weeks. Supporters need to stand together and show the world that Jerusalem is not a bargaining chip in border negotiations or a convenient yet meaningless rallying point for terrorists. Jerusalem is a Holy City that provides a beacon of light to all nations under the sovereignty of Israel.

Help us to ensure that Jerusalem stays unified. Click HERE to sign The Jerusalem Declaration.

Author: United with Israel Staff

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