The bread wheat genome, that was deciphered by Israel’s NRGene, has now been made available to researchers; Israeli DIY website development company Wix.com is to market a new platform that uses Artificial Intelligence, and much more.
By: Michael Ordman
Wheat genome data released for research
The bread wheat genome, that was deciphered by Israel’s NRGene, has now been made available to researchers by the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC). The data will make possible the production of improved wheat varieties for farmers.
AI to build a website
Israeli DIY website development company Wix.com is to market a new platform that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to ensure the website completely meets the requirements of the builder. Wix ADI asks the user what he/she needs and then uses its algorithms to build the website in minutes.
Electric car-sharing for Haifa
The Haifa municipality and the Ministry of Environmental Protection is to launch a pilot program for shared vehicles. It includes operation of an electric car rental service for users to collect a vehicle at a one location and return it at any of the charging stations scattered around the city.
Israeli solar tech for South African power plant
Israel’s Brenmiller Energy has teamed up with Spanish company Isolux in a tender for construction of a 150-megawatt solar power station in South Africa. Brenmiller’s energy storage systems will account for half of the project’s estimated $500 million overall cost.
A bio-fungicide from tea tree oil
Israeli-managed Stockton Group has signed a major agreement with Syngenta as the exclusive global distributor of Stockton’s new bio-fungicide technology based on tea tree oil for the control of several diseases in ornamental crops.
The optical engine to AR glasses
Israel’s Lumus produces optical engines – a critical part of Augmented Reality (AR) products. Its customers build AR glasses, visors, goggles, and headsets including Thales, Atheer and DAQRI. Lumus has just raised $15 million in new funding.
Green globes for World Environment Day
To mark World Environment Day, the Israeli Union of Environmental NGOs – Life and Environment, presented a Green Globe to Yosef Abramowitz – the Israeli CEO of solar energy company Energiya Global. Other winners included Greeneye in the Business category.
http://www.jpost.com/Business-and-Innovation/Environment/Energy-Ministry-gets-award-for-failure-while-solar-power-gets-accolade-456204 https://www.knesset.gov.il/spokesman/eng/PR_eng.asp?PRID=12102
The firewall that fights back
At cybersecurity startup Preempt’s Israeli R&D center it has developed a firewall that not only detects suspicious behavior, but responds to neutralize any threat in real time. It will decide whether to block the attacker, notify management or challenge the attacker to authenticate.
Interpol and NATO attend Cyber Week
Cybersecurity professionals, policymakers, investors, entrepreneurs and academics, including some from INTERPOL and NATO, attended Tel Aviv’s 6th Annual International Cybersecurity Conference (also known as Cyber Week). They discussed threats facing the international community and the latest advances in cyber technology.
Accelerating the world’s fastest computer
The world’s new fastest supercomputer is Sunway TaihuLight in Wuxi, China. But its 93 petaflop/s (quadrillions of calculations per second) are accelerated by its use of the interconnect InfiniBand solutions of Israel’s Mellanox Technologies. InfiniBand connects 41.2 percent of the TOP500 systems.
Minimizing machinery downtime
Israel’s DeepSense processes data from industrial machinery to predict likely machine failures and alert management. DeepSense has just raised $2 million of funding.
Power from Gallium Nitride
Israel’s VisIC Technologies develops and markets high power transistors and modules based upon the semiconductor compound Gallium Nitride (GaN). VisIC’s mission is to replace most of the less efficient Silicon products used in power conversion systems.
Click here for all of this week’s Good News from Israel.
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