Playing golf in Israel’s Negev desert will soon be a reality and a new film highlights the story of Israel’s elite soldiers who rescued passengers on a hijacked plane.
By: Michael Ordman
Golf in the Negev desert?
Nisim Nir, of the Omer Regional Council is planning a new 18-hole golf course in the Negev. It will provide a venue for tourism and for company executives at the nearby Omer Industrial Park and Beer Sheva Technology Park to conclude business deals. And make the desert bloom even more.
Operation Isotope – the movie
A new film is to be released shortly of the 1972 dramatic rescue, by Israel’s elite Israeli Sayeret Matkal unit, of hostages on a high-jacked Sabena airlines plane. The unit included current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former PM Ehud Barak. Both enjoyed the movie premier.
Droning over Apollonia
Amateur drone pilot Jesse Peters flew an aerial quadcopter over Israel’s Apollonia National Park near Herzliya to capture a bird’s-eye perspective of its limestone cliffs. See the 13th-century fortress, remains of a Roman villa, and a self-built “hobbit” home carved into the cliff by artist Nissim Kahlon.
Rare baby sand cats born in Israel
Rotem, a sand cat at the Ramat Gan Safari, has given birth to three kittens. The sand cat is the only species of cat able to survive in total deserts but now exists mostly in captivity.
Street Art
The International Bat Yam Festival features theater, circus, clowns, acrobats, music parades and more. It also includes the French show Les Girafes, featuring eight-meter high giraffes. You can also camp for free on the beach.
Click here for all of this week’s Good News from Israel.
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