Volunteers take sick and bereaved Israeli children on surprise trips; Watch How Israel Treats Palestinian Arab Children; Israeli company employs 100 Palestinian Arabs; cities throughout Guatemala are renaming streets and traffic circles ‘Jerusalem the Capital of Israel,’ and more.
By: Michael Ordman
Giving back a lost childhood
On alternate Friday afternoons in the summer, the Modi’in Ilit Linked to Life Friday Afternoon Field Trip volunteers take local sick and bereaved Israeli children on surprise trips. This project of Israeli charity Ezer Mizion makes their day. It makes their week. And it makes their life.
106 participate in women-only hackathon
A team of five Orthodox students won a 44-hour, female-only hackathon held in Jerusalem. Their winning design, a voice-to-text bracelet relays information from first responders to hospitals in the event of a mass-casualty incident.
Building bridges between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs
Eyal Waldman (CEO of Israel’s Mellanox) met Bashar al-Masri, (founder of the new PA city of Rawabi), at a dinner in Washington and became good friends. Now Mellanox employs 100 Palestinian Arabs and at least 10 Israeli companies work in Rawabi.
How Israel treats Palestinian Arab children
Watch what really happens to unfortunate Palestinian Arab children in the hands of Israelis.
IDF sends aid to Syrians and rescues orphans
The Israel Defense Forces delivered 300 tents, medical equipment and 58 tons of food and clothing to Syrian refugees living in tent cities close to the border with Israel. They then brought six injured refugees to Israeli hospitals, including four recently orphaned children.
https://www.algemeiner.com/2018/06/29/in-overnight-operation-israeli-military-delivers-humanitarian-aid-to-syrian-refugees/ https://worldisraelnews.com/israel-takes-in-4-injured-syrian-orphans-2-other-refugees/
Israeli educational games in Arabic?
Israeli educational games startup TinyTap has just raised $5 million of funds to help it launch learning plans in Mandarin, Arabic, and Spanish. It will also be used for promoting the company’s partnership with Oxford University Press to start a learning plan for English language learners.
Guatemala renames streets to Israel’s capital
Cities throughout Guatemala are renaming streets and traffic circles “Jerusalem the Capital of Israel.” The first such renaming ceremony took place on the main street of the southern city of Guastatoya. Hundreds waved Israeli flags and stores along the road hung Israeli flags.
Israel and Indonesia agree on tourist visas
Israeli tourists can visit Indonesia (the largest Muslim country) and vice-versa. An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesperson tweeted ““visa restrictions on Indonesian tourism to Israel were lifted, in parallel to lifting of restrictions by Indonesia on Israeli tourists. Good news.”
Heads of 10 US Universities visit Israel
The presidents of ten American universities and colleges are visiting Israel this week on a trip to promote bilateral academic ties. The 17-member delegation will meet the heads of Israeli universities to discuss joint research, commercialization and exchange opportunities.
Pushing back the desert in Angola
Israel’s Embassy in Angola’s capital, Luanda, led an initiative to bring 500 children to plant a green wall of 1,000 trees between the Namib Desert and the city of Tômbwa, which is threated by desertification. Israel’s renowned drip-irrigation system was deployed to nourish the saplings.
Click HERE for this week’s Good News from Israel.
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