Israeli security forces stand guard during a home demolition. (Illustrative photo. Sliman Khader/Flash90) (Sliman Khader/Flash90)

IDF forces destroyed the home of a Palestinian terrorist responsible for the murder of an Israeli. In total, the IDF has destroyed five such homes in the past 72 hours. 

IDF forces demolished the home of Palestinian terrorist Mohammed Abu Shaheen in Qalandia, just north of Jerusalem, early Monday morning.

Shaheen murdered Israeli civilian Danny Gonen, 25, last June as he was hiking with a friend near a spring. Shaheen was captured by Israeli security forces in July and is waiting to be tried at an Israeli military court.

An IDF spokesperson stated after the operation that during the demolition, armed terrorists opened fire on the soldiers, who responded with gunfire, killing two terrorists. There were no Israeli casualties.

Weapons were found near the terrorists’ bodies, and the IDF suspects that there were other armed terrorists in the vicinity of the incident.

According to Palestinian Health Ministry spokesman Mohammed Awawdeh, a 21-year-old and a 28-year-old were killed during the exchange of gunfire.

Simultaneously, violent rioting broke out in the area, and hundreds of Palestinian rioters threw massive blocks, firebombs, explosive device and other objects at Israeli security forces, who responded with crowd dispersal methods.

The IDF completed the home demolition, it announced in the statement.

On Saturday, IDF forces razed the homes of four Arab terrorists who had recently murdered Israelis.

The demolition of terrorists’ homes is part of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plans to contend with the recent wave of Palestinian terror attacks which has claimed the lives of 14 Israelis in the past two months.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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