While negotiating with the West, Iran calls for its death and downfall.

On Wednesday, Iran marked the 36th anniversary of its 1979 Islamic Revolution with massive rallies at which many participants chanted anti-US and anti-Israel slogans, calling for their downfall, AP reports.

Millions gathered in Tehran, Iran’s capital, and other cities, as the call “Down with America” and “Death to Israel” were heard everywhere. One boy was seen carrying a large toy rocket on which the words “We love fighting Zionist Regime” were written. State television centralized these events by airing footage of the rallies.

The negotiations between Iran and the US regarding Iran’s nuclear aspirations were also highlighted at the events.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, addressing a crowd of thousands in Tehran’s Azadi (Freedom) Square, pledged to “spare no effort” to protect the Islamic Republic’s  assumed rights to nuclear power in the negotiations with the P5+1 powers.

“The sanctions have not forced Iran to enter the talks,” Rouhani boasted. “The impracticality of the all-out pressures on Iran and the significant advancements in Iran’s peaceful nuclear program made the United States come to the negotiation table. Iran is seeking a ‘win-win’ outcome in the nuclear talks with world powers,” AP quoted Rouhani as saying.

Tayyebeh Ahmadi, a woman who attended the rally, told AP that the nuclear talks have likely inspired Iranians to take part in commemorations. “This year, we have turned out bigger than before because of the ongoing nuclear talks, to make America understand that it cannot achieve its goals in these talks.”

In recent years, Iran has used the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution to demonstrate against the West, emphasizing the sanctions it has imposed on Iran to address its rapidly developing nuclear program, which the West rightfully suspects is being used to build nuclear weapons.

Iran has repeatedly claimed that its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes, citing power generation and medical research as its spheres of development.

Iran is locked in negotiations primarily with the US, arriving at what many see as an impasse, but is still exhausting diplomatic avenues before the June 30 deadline. Beyond this date, all “options are on the table,” US President Barack Obama has declared, including the military option.

Wednesday’s events commemorate February 11, 1979, when followers of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini ousted the US-backed Shah, Reza Pahlavi. Pahlavi was put in power by the US, and after many years of tyrannical rule was ousted in a popular uprising.

By: United with Israel Staff

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