Responding to a UN resolution approving the nuclear deal, Iran vowed to continue to improve its ballistics capabilities and that UN inspectors will not have access to missile facilities.

UN Security Council

A UNSC resolution indicated approval of the Iran nuclear deal. (AP/Craig Ruttle)

Iran appears to be already stepping back from its commitment in the nuclear agreement for transparency in the development of ballistic missiles. Its Foreign Ministry, the Defense Minister, and the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps all objected to a UN Security Council resolution, which expressed approval of the nuclear deal, for not removing limits to Iran’s ballistic missile program. They also indicated that they did not intend to grant IAEA nuclear inspectors access to conventional military sites.

The Security Council resolution Monday noted that another resolution will be necessary in order to lift the restrictions on Iran’s ballistic missile program after eight years. The Iranian Foreign Ministry responded in a statement, saying, “Iran’s military capacities, especially ballistic missiles, are strictly defensive and, as they have not been conceived to carry nuclear weapons, they are outside the scope and competence of the Security Council resolution.”

Iran’s Foreign Ministry also insisted that there would be no need for nuclear inspectors to examine the facilities used to develop its ballistic missile program, claiming that “since there has never been nuclear activity at any military site, Iran is certain there will not be any request to inspect such sites.”

The nuclear agreement with the P5+1 obligates Iran to allow nuclear inspectors into purportedly conventional military sites if the IAEA finds evidence of nuclear activities taking place. Iran is also prohibited from developing ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

Iran Military

Iranian missiles on display at the mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini. (AP/Ebrahim Noroozi)

“Tehran will not allow any foreigner to discover Iran’s defensive and missile capabilities by inspecting the country’s military sites,” Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghanhe told Fars news agency.

For his part, IRGC head Maj. Gen. Mohammed Ali Jafari told the Tansim news agency that “some points inserted in the draft [UN resolution] have clearly crossed the Islamic Republic of Iran’s red lines and violate them, especially regarding Iran’s arms capabilities. We will never accept it.”

Iran is heavily invested in its ballistic missiles program, including developing missiles capable of hitting Israel. Iran is also the primary supplier of missiles to Israel’s enemies – the Hamas and Hezbollah terror groups. The IDF believes that Hezbollah currently has an arsenal of 100,000 projectiles, including some capable of hitting anywhere within Israeli territory.

By: Sara Abramowicz, United with Israel


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