Palestinians at UNRWA HQ. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90) (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

Among other incidents, UN-paid math teacher quoted Hitler in an anti-Semitic incitement video.


A new report showing that more than 100 employees of a United Nations’ aid agency have posted content on social media that spreads hatred against Israel and Israelis, encourages anti-Semitism, and supports terrorism, has prompted Israel’s Ambassador to the US and the UN Gilad Erdan to send the Secretary-General of the UN and the Commissioner-General of UNRWA harsh letters of complaint demanding immediate action.

According to the eport published by UN Watch on Monday, over 100 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) educators and staff have publicly promoted violence and anti-Semitism on social media, actions which clearly violates the agency’s own rules as well as its proclaimed values of zero tolerance for racism, discrimination or anti-Semitism.

One example includes a math teacher quoting Hitler in an anti-Semitic incitement video. Another includes a project engineer in Gaza proudly marking the date when the Israeli Olympic athletes were murdered in Munich.

“UNRWA once again proves that it is not a humanitarian organization but an organization that encourages terrorism under the auspices of UN hypocrisy,” Erdan stated.

The letter to UN Secretary-General António Guterres and to UNRWA head Philippe Lazzarini demands the immediate termination of all employees implicated in the report, and an in-depth examination of all other employees of the organization and their dismissal if they are found to commit similar violations.

Erdan also demanded the immediate establishment of a commission of inquiry, and that all the countries that fund “this despicable organization” stop their funding and take action to investigate its actions.

“It is inconceivable that an UN-sponsored organization under the guise of humanitarian action would fund declared supporters of terrorism and anti-Semitism,” said Erdan. “The serious things that emerge from the report prove what is already clear: that UNRWA is a dangerous body that has no right to exist.”

Erdan also contacted the US Ambassador to the US Linda Thomas-Greenfield to review the findings and demand urgent explanations from the UN and UNRWA to address these serious cases.

UN Watch Director Hillel Neuer stated that “around the world, educators who incite hate and violence are removed, yet UNRWA, despite proclaiming zero tolerance for incitement, knowingly and systematically employs purveyors of terror and anti-Jewish hate.”

“We call on the governments that fund UNWRA to take action to stop the vicious cycle of generations being taught to hate and violently attack Jews. We demand that UNRWA address the core problem, and demonstrate its genuine commitment to basic norms of education in its schools, by publicly condemning UNWRA employees who incite terrorism and anti-Semitism, removing them from their positions, and creating an independent and impartial investigation of all of its staff,” he stated.

Similar reports by other organizations have been published in the past, and almost without exception, the UNRWA has failed to take action.

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