Arabs riot and throw rocks at Israeli Border Policemen at the entrance to the Arab village of Kafr Kana in northern Israel on November 9, 2014. (Photo: Flash90) Arabs riot and throw rocks at Israeli Border Policemen at the entrance to an Arab village in northern Israel on November 9, 2014. (Photo: Flash90)

An Israeli man was nearly lynched Sunday night by a violent Arab mob. The potential victim was saved – by an Arab. 

Police arrest an Arab rioter. (photo: Flash90)

Police arrest an Arab rioter. (Photo: Flash90)

An Israeli motorist was nearly lynched by a mob of Arab rioters Sunday night as he was driving past the Arab town of Taibe in central Israel. The mob threw rocks at the Israeli man’s car, stopped him as he was driving and pulled him out of his vehicle. They then set fire to the car.

“I came back from work in Netanya. When I came to the stoplight, they stopped me and started talking to me but I didn’t understand a word because I don’t speak Arabic. So they started throwing stones at my car and then set it on fire. A few Arabs helped me to get out of the car from the passenger side,” the potential victim told Israel’s IDF Radio on Monday.

“I was afraid I was going to die and the car was about to go up in flames any second. Suddenly, someone pulled me out of the car and put me into his car that had his children in it. He saved my life. What happened to me was really on the level of a miracle. I got out with just a few scratches. I didn’t even have to go to the hospital. An ambulance came, but I only had to wash my face. I just wanted to give many thanks to the people who helped me.”

An Arab who was driving by, identified only as Makdy, saw the developing lynch and went to save the Israeli. He told IDF Radio that “during the first moments I did not think twice. Someone threw rocks but I stopped him. I took him [the Israeli] into my car and drove away quickly, and then dropped him off at a police checkpoint.”

WATCH: The scene of violence after an Israeli man escaped. Click below.

Author: Aryeh Savir
Staff Writer, United with Israel

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