Trump expressed appreciation to the mayor of a northern Israeli town who announced the naming of a new park after the American president.

David Even Tzur, mayor of Kiryat Yam, a coastal town in the Haifa district, announced earlier this month that he would name a new park after US President Donald Trump in gratitude for his official recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital.

The 1.7-acre park is scheduled to open in 2018.

“The president of the United States took a brave and unprecedented step that none of his predecessors were willing to take, and we must honor him for it,” Tzur said. “Jerusalem is a dream that is present in every Jew’s heart, and Trump’s decision gives this dream clear international recognition.”

In response, Trump penned a letter thanking Tzur for the “great honor.”

“It was a distinct pleasure to visit Israel during my first international trip as President of the United States. Israel is one of our most steadfast allies and an oasis of hope, democracy, and prosperity in the Middle East,” the president wrote.

“I am thankful for your gesture and am moved to know that the people of Israel are encouraged by my decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,” he said.

By: World Israel News

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