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blood cancer

‘The work was difficult because the genetic cases are very rare.’

By Shula Rosen, United with Israel

A team of Israeli and UK researchers has solved a 53-year-old medical mystery and discovered a new blood group in the process.

In 1972, a pregnant woman’s blood was discovered to have been missing a surface molecule that was present in virtually all red blood cells at the time.

Finally, scientists from the UK and Israel have identified a new blood group in humans that explains this mysterious case and published their findings in September.

Most people are familiar with the ABO blood type classification, which was developed in the 20th century as well as the Rh factor, which assigns the plus and minus system to blood types.

Almost everyone fits into these blood group classifications, but for rare cases of people who don’t, the results could be fatal should they need blood during a medical procedure.

Antigen molecules, which indicate the difference between one’s own cells and those from the outside, need to match for a patient to successfully receive a blood transfusion.

Discovering new blood groups to fit these rare cases is not common, although researchers identified the Er system in 2022.

Scientists have identified the Anwj-negative blood type, which is missing the Anwj antigen, something 99.9% of people have.

The Anwj antigen lives on myelin and lymphocyte protein, or MAL, which stabilizes cell proteins

The Anwj-negative blood type has a cell mutation that processes MAL differently than regular blood types.

The discovery of the Anwj-negative blood type will allow these patients to receive blood transfusions and to be tested to determine whether their condition is inherited or due to an underlying health problem.

“It represents a huge achievement, and the culmination of a long team effort, to finally establish this new blood group system and be able to offer the best care to rare, but important, patients,” UK National Health Service hematologist Louise Tilley said.

“The work was difficult because the genetic cases are very rare,” she added.

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