Its a Date! Israel Begins Export of Agricultural Produce to UAE » Dates orchard near Kibbutz Niran in the Jordan Valley
Dates orchard near Kibbutz Niran in the Jordan Valley. (Kobi Richter/TPS)
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Copyright: copyright (c) TPS 2020Credit: Kobi Richter/TPS
Title: Dates orchard near Kibbutz settlement Niran
Caption: Dates orchard near Kibbutz settlement Niran in the Jordan Valley. Jordan Valley, Feb 23, 2020. Photo by Kobi Richter/TPS *** Local Caption *** מטע תמרים ליד נירן (נערן), התנחלות קיבוץ ב בקעת הירדן דקל דקלים תמר
Camera: NIKON D4
Shutter Speed: 0 seconds