Hamas rally at the end of Operation Defensive Shield, Aug. 27, 2014. (Photo: Flash90) Hamas rally at the end of Operation Defensive Shield, Aug. 27, 2014. (Photo: Flash90)

Israel is said to have passed intelligence to Jordan that terror groups are trafficking weapons into Palestinian hands, resulting in 32 arrests.

Both Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, who have centers of operation in Jordan, have attempted to smuggle weapons into Palestinian terrorists’ hands since September. Israel has been quick to reveal their plans and seek Jordan’s participation in putting a halt to the dangerous influx.

Hamas Threatens Fishermen

Without their terror tunnel network, which Israel strategically eradicated this past summer, Hamas coerced 20 fishermen into smuggling their weapons and explosives ammunitions into Gaza, Jerusalem Online reports.

The Shin Bet (Israel’s central intelligence agency) has made one arrest so far, taking Hussam Bakr into custody. Bakr, whose child is being treated for cancer at an Israeli hospital, said Hamas had threatened him to place him on an “internal security list,” preventing him from visiting his son, if he refused to cooperate.

Since the end of Operation Defensive Shield, Israel’s navy has thwarted numerous attempts to smuggle weapons to Hamas via the Gaza coast.

Jordanian Terrorists Plan Attacks in Judea and Samaria

At the same time, the Muslim Brotherhood established a branch dedicated to executing deadly attacks in Judea and Samaria, Jordanian representatives told Al-Hayat on Monday. Israel tipped off the Jordanian government about the development of the Islamic cell and its twofold aim of raising funds and providing the means for Palestinians to perpetrate terror attacks.

Senior Jordanian officials also told the press that due to Israel’s intelligence, they were able to make 31 arrests. Most of the suspects were Palestinian students from Judea and Samaria studying in the Hashemite Kingdom.

Abdullah II, King of Jordan, gave an interview to Charlie Rose (PBS) in which he cautioned that if Israel does not reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians, they could expect a third or “[fourth], fifth, sixth and seventh” intifada as well as renewed war with Lebanon.

Abdullah also called the fight against ISIS a “third world war.” His stance apparently contributed to President Barack Obama’s decision to significantly increase US aid to Jordan. This year, Obama plans to increase aid to Jordan from $660 million to $1 billion.

Israel and Jordan have maintained a longstanding peace agreement since 1994, though Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly maintained that there will be no peace with the Palestinian Authority unless Israel maintains a military presence in the Jordan Valley. A recent public opinion poll indicates Israelis largely back Netanyahu’s position.

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