The Netanyahus and Friedmans at the celebration. (Amos Ben Gershom/GPO) (Amos Ben Gershom/GPO)
Netanyahu Friedman

“There is no friendship like the friendship between Israel and the United States of America. American has no greater friend than Israel. Israel has no greater friend than America,” Netanyahu stated while celebrating US independence. 

By: United with Israel Staff

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara on Tuesday attended an event in honor of America’s 242nd Independence Day, hosted by US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, during which he extolled the close bonds between the two countries.

“It’s a wonderful celebration of 4th of July anytime in Israel, but this year it’s special. This year President Trump moved the embassy after declaring Jerusalem Israel’s capital. In the UN — a powerful defense of Israel day in, day out,” he began.

“We’re grateful for America’s independence. We’re grateful for America’s strength. We’re grateful for America’s alliance with Israel,” he added.

Netanyahu, who serves both as prime minister and foreign minister, said Israel has relations with 160 countries, and “some of these are terrific friends. But there is no friendship like the friendship between Israel and the United States of America. America has no greater friend than Israel. Israel has no greater friend than America.”

Shared Values: Freedom, Liberty, Democracy

The first and foremost is the common values shared by the two nations.

“We have common values that are clear – it’s freedom, liberty, democracy. These aren’t hollow slogans. They are the bedrock of Western civilization. They’re the secret of America’s success and of Israel’s success,” Netanyahu declared. “They’re the secret of our ingenuity – Israel’s and America’s – the big leaders of technology in the world.”

Israel as “tremendous respect for American ingenuity, for American creativity, for American mobility, for American capacities in every field.  And we know where that comes from. It comes from a free society, from free discussion,” he said.

The shared values are deep-rooted, Netanyahu emphasized. “Here’s what the Liberty Bell says, inscribed on it: ‘Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all of its Inhabitants’.  We know that phrase. It comes from the Bible. It comes from Leviticus. So much of America’s heritage is rooted in the Hebrew Bible.”

“It is in the Bible that our prophets consoled us. They said the exiles will be gathered back to our ancient homeland. We will restore our national life here. We will restore our capital Jerusalem,” the Israeli leader continued.  “And 70 years later, President Trump brought the embassy to Jerusalem.”

‘Next Year in Jerusalem’

Addressing Ambassador Friedman directly, Netanyahu said he has “one message, one request” – “Next year in Jerusalem. This is a fine and beautiful hall, immaculately done. Next year in Jerusalem right next to the American embassy. There can’t be a more glorious gathering with greater friends.”

Thank you all. God bless America. God bless Israel and God bless the alliance between America and the State of Israel,” he concluded.

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