PM Benjamin Netanyahu at Rosh Hashanah toast. (Kobi Gideon/GPO) (Kobi Gideon/GPO)
PM Netanyahu at PMO Rosh Hashanah Toast

Prime Minister discusses Iran threat and Abraham Accords during traditional toast at the Prime Minister’s Office ahead of the Jewish new year.

By United with Israel Staff

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday attended the traditional Rosh Hashanah toast with employees of the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem.

Also attending the event were PMO Director General Yossi Shelley, PMO Employees Committee Chairperson Silvi Mordechai and other senior PMO officials.

“Thank you to everyone for your dedicated work and the efforts that you make throughout the year. I am certain that you will continue likewise in the coming year, may it be good for all of us,” Netanyahu said.

“I wish you a good and sweet year, to your wonderful children and your families. I wish that we may all, this year, have more unity among the people, less division among us and it starts by all of us – or at least most of us – remembering that we are one people, with one state, one army, a common past and a common future. In a democracy, there are always disagreements; that is the nature of democracy. However, if we agree to agree, we can reach consensus. This is our aspiration. I think that it is possible.

“We face great challenges and great opportunities. The first and most important challenge is, first of all, security. There is an effort be led by Iran and its proxies to increase the terrorism, especially in Judea and Samaria but not just there. We are fighting them forcefully. Since the start of the year, we have eliminated almost 170 terrorists. But, of course, the hand is still extended. This is a relentless struggle and we will settle accounts with the murderers and those who sent them,” he continued.

“At the same time, we also have a good opportunity, which is that having achieved the Abraham Accords, we are working – together with our American friends – to expand the circle of peace in a way that will change the face of Israel, the Middle East, and to a large degree, the world. We intend to have peace with Saudi Arabia, which will pave the way to turning the entire region into a major corridor of vital infrastructure. Israel is becoming a bridgehead to the world. This is an immense change. Each one of you will feel it.

“There is a very big future here and if it is realized, it will be realized this year. This is a major blessing – at the start of a year and its blessings, and this is a major blessing. We are working vigorously that our country should have a bright future, and I also hope that a wonderful year is before us. Thank you all,” Netanyahu added.



Farmers near the Gaza border lost family, friends and workers. Spring is here, and they desperately need help to replant the farms. Join us in blessing the People and Land of Israel.

“I will ordain My blessing for you…” (Leviticus 25:4)