A PLO official stated that there is no such thing as the Jewish people, citing anti-Semitic and and anti-Israel texts to substantiate his claims.


Addressing a so-called peace forum, PLO Ambassador to Chile Imad Nabil Jada’a stated that there is no Jewish people and that the PLO would never recognize the Jews as such. He cited anti-Semitic writings to validate his statements.

Jada’a made the offensive remarks at the Conference for Peace in Palestine and Israel on May 15 in Santiago, Chile.

Recounting his version of the history of Zionism, he said that in 1896, “a group of academic intellectuals, financial advisers, majority being non-Jewish Europeans, decided to create the Zionist movement with one pretext/excuse: the creation of a homeland for the Jewish people. Although the truth is that this [the goal] is to protect their plans of dominating life in the entire planet.”

He quoted the notorious “Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” a fabrication exposed to be the work of the Czarist police, as evidence for an alleged Jewish plot to dominate the world.

“Published in 1923, discovered by Lenin after the triumph of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia was over, in that book they mention the destruction of the moralities of other religions,” Jada’a stated. “In that book they put plans of the manipulation of all the financial, economic and industrial apparatus of the entire world. They discuss the manipulation of local political forces from all different countries.”

The Palestinians often quote the Protocols as historic proof of their claims against Israel.

Jada’a explained that the Palestinians do not hate the Jewish people, because there is no such thing. “About the hatred we have against the Jewish people, as Palestinians, first, we don’t have hatred. Second, we don’t recognize the existence of the Jewish people — there is no Jewish people,” he asserted.

He brought a singular and extreme Israeli voice to support his view. “This is not my personal analysis. Here we can refer to the Jewish Israeli professor from the University of Tel Aviv, Dr. Shlomo Sand, in his book, ‘The Invention of the Jewish people.’ A Jew with an Israeli passport announces that the so-called Jewish nation is a made-up invention. Because a religion cannot be a people.”

Sand is infamous for his anti-Israel activities and peculiar views, cloaked in academic rhetoric.

Blend of Classic and Modern Anti-Semitism

Responding to Jada’a’s inflammatory remarks,  the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy, which exposed Jada’a’s speech, said his comments combined “traditional European anti-Semitism with Israel bashing, a dangerous form of contemporary anti-Semitism that also forms the ideological basis for Radical Political Islamist incitement to genocide” against Jews.

“Here there can be no excuse, as some still weakly contend, of separating criticism of Israel with blatant anti-Semitism,” the organization charged.

Any basis for peace would require putting an end to Palestinian incitement, the watchdog said. “A peaceful resolution to the conflict must include concrete steps to eradicate official PA anti-Semitism and a real recognition of the ‘Other.’ One hopes that responsible leaders will take action and condemn this blatant expression of hate.”

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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