Fadi Abu Shkhaydam (Screen grab/YouTube) (Screen grab/YouTube)
Fadi Abu Shkhaydam

The will circulating on social media hasn’t been independently verified, but it’s a dangerous document.

By Pesach Benson, United With Israel

Fadi Abu Shkhaydam, the terrorist who killed Eli Kay and injured four others, left behind a last will and testament calling on his family and students to follow in his footsteps, according to Palestinian social media posts picked up by Hebrew media. The four-page long document has not been independently verified.

A 42-year-old father of five, Abu Shkhaydam taught religious studies at the a-Rashidia School for boys in eastern Jerusalem. According to Israeli authorities, he was also a member of Hamas. A resident of the Shuafat refugee camp in eastern Jerusalem, he was not known to have any military training. However, he made several trips to Turkey and Israeli authorities are investigating whether he had contact or training with Hamas figures operating in Turkey.

“From when I first walked, and I drank of the Qu’ran… I dreamed of meeting God as a martyr,” the alleged will said

“We must steer the ship with our blood, and serve as the practical example of the way of jihad,” it added.

“I write these words with great joy. I end years of hard work with a meeting with God.”

An Islamist teacher who set out to murder Israelis is certainly capable of writing a last will and testament urging his children, students and impressionable youth to carry on a legacy of violence and jihad.

But it’s not difficult to imagine Hamas or a sympathizer prowling for young recruits drawing up such a document and putting it online. In September, Palestinians doctored photos of captured fugitives.

Palestinian incitement and brainwashing takes many forms on social media — posts that call for car-ramming attacks, instructional videos on proper techniques for stabbing Israelis, and tweets whipping up the street with disinformation about the Temple Mount, Sheikh Jarrah, a hunger strike, or something else. This will making the rounds on Palestinian social media and forums is in that vein.

Abu Shkhaydam’s wife, Sou’ad, is in Israeli custody and presumably will be able to confirm if the will being circulated online is legitimate.

Genuine or not, one thing is clear: It’s a dangerous document.