Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ya’alon visit wounded soldiers at Rambam hospital. (Photo: Amos Ben Gershom/Flash90)
The IDF veterans organization has received a sizable contribution from an unlikely source – Qatar’s terror-supporting emir.
The Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization (ZDVO) can add an unlikely donor to its database – Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, the terror-supporting, pro-Hamas Emir of Qatar.
Al-Thani became an unintentional big-time donor to the Israeli organization for disabled IDF (Zahal, in Hebrew) veterans when he purchased a Paris apartment that had been bequeathed to ZDVO, Israel’s Walla News reports.
The Qataris reportedly paid EUR 2.5 million, which was a much higher price than the apartment’s estimated worth.
The five-room residence, situated in Paris’ prestigious 8th district, was donated by Danielle Susan Davis in 2003 after she was widowed from her husband, and her only son had passed away.
The vast sums were paid by the Qataris directly to the Israeli organization’s coffers.
The Qataris were fully aware of the destination of the proceeds but insisted on the purchase, explaining that the apartment was intended for the use of one of the royal family members who plans to study at the Sorbonne. Negotiations and any contact with the Qataris were done only through local contacts, and the Israelis were not involved in any way.
Big Win for the IDF
The entire sale was extraordinary and sensitive, as Qatar is Hamas’ primary benefactor and was deeply involved in Operation Protective Edge, with Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal operating out of the country.
A spokesman for the IDF Disabled Veterans’ Origination told Walla that they were delighted with the deal. “This is an achievement for the foundation, which works around the world to raise funds for disabled IDF veterans. We are pleased that in this case we have maximized the process, both by overcoming all tax expenses and in light of the high financial bid received. The money will be used for the IDF disabled to promote initiatives and projects for them.”
By: United with Israel Staff

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