Israeli entrepreneur Micah Lakin Avni, son of murdered American peace activist Richard Lakin, shares what he says is the 'only solution' to the Arab-Israeli conflict.
'We defanged the snake, and if Hezbollah does not withdraw beyond the Litani and tries to violate the ceasefire, we will crush its head,' Katz emphasizes.
We must push back at the gradual chipping away of Jewish identity and history. It’s time that CNN heard from concerned citizens who won’t stand for this any longer.
'Only the NYT would publish such naivete,' Goldstein says, calling Beinart 'racist,' 'infantile,' 'sloppy,' 'paternalistic,' 'neo-colonialist,' and plain 'dumb.'
Despite Arab rioting, almost 2,000 Jews ascended the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site, on Tisha b'Av, the day commorating the destruction of the Holy Temple.
Nine liberal Jewish groups called on the president on Friday to stop Netanyahu from carrying out his campaign promise to annex parts of Judea and Samaria.
Israel Border Police officers are proud of their work, vigilantly protecting various locations throughout Israel and safeguarding the nation's citizens.
The media is eager to publicize alleged condemnations of terror by Palestinian leaders, but extremely reluctant to let the public know about contradictory statements by the same leaders.
Several hundred people, Jews and non-Jews, participated in the annual march around the Old City of Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the State of Israel.
In a bid to land a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), the Iraqi government is touting thousands of years of Jewish life in its country, ignoring the destruction of Iraqi Jewry during the course of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
After Israel announced it would build more homes for Jews in Shiloh in Samaria, the White House and State Department both condemned Israel for establishing a new "settlement," but the accusation is false and only proves that the Obama administration is biased.
The next time you are confronted by someone who claims Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian land, you can use the clear facts in this video to counter this widespread lie.
Mainstream Western media coverage of Israel intentionally tries to delegitimize the Jewish State. The good news, is that these terms weren’t written in stone 3,300 years ago, but are post-Israel independence creations. By using this language, we forfeit our history. Here are 13 phrases we must stop repeating.
Many media outlets belittled recent Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis, purposely mislabeling them as 'lone wolf attacks.' This video demonstrates how the attacks were actually incited directly by the Palestinian Authority.