Israel’s ambassador to Nigeria cancelled the Independence Day celebration and used the money to create a soccer league for children who escaped from Boko Haram.
The use of children by terror organizations is not a new phenomenon as some might believe. The recent bombing in Turkey – carried out by a 12-year-old – highlights that fact that children have been used to commit acts of terror for years. The suicide attacker who detonated his explosives amid an outdoor Kurdish wedding party... Read more »
Good News Israel presents University of Georgia students vote to invest more in its relations with Israel; Israeli aid for Iraqi children, and much more.
Muslim terror organizations are strengthening world-wide, and with them they bring death and destruction in the form of relegiously motivated suicide attacks.
Numerous US State Department dispatches emphasize that the US Administration clearly knows of Qatar’s funding of terror. They consciously choose to ignore this.
Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman discussed the fight against terror with the leader of Kenya, which also deals with terror and abductions of schoolchildren.
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