Amid the backdrop of war, the IDF has rolled out comprehensive safety measures, such as installing bomb shelters and deploying reservists to protect schools.
Hundreds of thousands of Israelis have been ordered to remain in their homes near shelters. The IDF has called up reserves to assist in the military effort.
''I am proud and deeply grateful that you allow me to stand with you, United with Israel,'' said Governor Mike Huckabee at a unique celebration, where he officially became the 3-millionth member of United with Israel.
United with Israel has reached a major milestone, as Governor Mike Huckabee became the 3-millionth supporter of the world's largest pro-Israel community. Watch the live celebration from Jerusalem!
United with Israel supporters, by helping the people of Israel in numerous ways, continue to play a significant role in the defense and support of Israel, particularly during times of crisis.
May all the citizens of Israel be safe during this difficult time and always. May children everywhere continue to be inspired and empowered to fight for just causes.
Since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge, Israel has respected numerous ceasefires, most of them humanitarian lulls for the benefit of the residents of Gaza.
Believe it or not, it is my deepest hope that the work that Aron has done will be in vain. I hope that no Israeli will ever have need of the bomb shelters Aron is helping to fund.
United with Israel delivered a desperately needed bomb shelter to the city of Netivot in the south within a day of receiving the funds from UWI supporters.
Imagine hearing a frightening siren blaring “Code Red, Code Red” and having 15 seconds to run for cover. Imagine never being able to walk beyond a short distance of the nearest shelter. Do You Love Israel? Make a Donation - Show Your Support!Donate to vital charities that help protect Israeli citizens and inspire millions around... Read more »
With a geographic area smaller than the state of New Jersey, Israel has large population centers within range of terrorist missiles waiting just outside her borders.
United with Israel provides a myriad of opportunities to support Israel online. As a grassroots movement that unites pro-Israel activists around the world, United with Israel supports struggling Israeli communities in the south that have faced numerous qassam rocket attacks over the last 13 years. By raising funds online to build bomb shelters and plant fruit trees... Read more »
Watch the video of United with Israel's solidarity trip to southern Israel, to install bomb shelters for kindergarten children and plant fruit tree orchards donated by supporters from around the world
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